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London Clown Festival 2018 Workshops

There are several workshops happening at different venues.

Scroll down for more info on each.

Editing & Post Production

Naked Comedy workshop with Deanna Fleysher (2 day)


23rd May 11am-5pm
24th May 2pm-8pm

St Peter in the Forest, Woodford New Rd, London E17 3PP


NAKED COMEDY workshop with Deanna Fleysher
Be more than funny. Be loved.

Naked Comedy will demand your heart, your guts, and all your fluids. We want to see how funny you can be without thinking or trying. Through play, we will explore your unique connection to the audience, the bravery required to be vulnerable, and the gratification that comes with letting go. Expose yourself (metaphorically speaking!) and make people laugh.

  • In this intensive, expect the following!

  • A deeper connection to and understanding of the audience.

  • Personalized feedback (and plenty of it).

  • Discovery and exploration of your "sweet spots": unique ways that you move/be (emotional/physical states) that the audience especially enjoys.

  • More understanding of what "stage presence" means for you, and how to really harness your performative power.

  • The beginnings of new characters and sketches.

  • More wildness, more bravery, more vulnerability.

  • Laughing a lot.

This workshop is ideal for improvisers, clowns/bouffons, stand-up comedians, actors, and anyone who wants to be more funny or comfortable in front of others than they currently are.

What Participants Have Said:

Deanna is like a sculptor. She molds your talents, quirks and insecurities into a character you can play through.
Estela G., Los Angles

Deanna creates an incredible environment of trust and honesty which allows you to really go there, to the depths, the weird, dark and zany places. She has a great eye and won't let you hide or foster old patterns. Sometimes I feel like I'm a child in front of my siblings, free to go wild.
Krista H., Los Angeles

Deanna is uncanny at drawing genuineness and comedy out of every single person.
Andy C., Austin

I thought it would be fun. It turned out to be profound. Content K.

DEANNA FLEYSHER is an American comedy artist, teacher and director. Inspired by clown, bouffon, improv and physical theater, she cultivates comedy that is interactive and brave. She currently tours with her award-winning solo show Butt Kapinski, and teaches workshops around the world. She leads the ongoing Naked Comedy Lab in the Pacific Northwest. For more info, visit, and please check out her blog at

This workshop will take place over two days.

Dates and times: 
23rd May 11am-5pm
24th May 2pm-8pm
St Peter in the Forest, Woodford New Rd, London E17 3PP

Early bird price: £100 (if booked before May 1st)
General admission: £120

Clowning Workshop (Week or daily session)


Explore stupidity and the joy in failure with Henry Maynard Artistic Director of Flabbergast Theatre and creator of 'Tatterdemalion.' 


'The Venn Diagram intersect of Dr Brown and Paul Foot' - Fest

"Clowning has never been so enchanting or engaging' - Three Weeks


A week long workshop


Dates and times: 

28th May - 2nd June (not 31st)

10am - 5pm -  28th May - 1st June

10am - 2pm -  2nd June

St Peter in the Forest, Woodford New Rd, London E17 3PP


Early bird Price £150

General Admission £180

Daily sessions £40


Sign up for the full week or for daily sessions. 

Daily sessions sign up depends on experience - contact Flabbergast for info -


Clowning For Femmes of Colour​


27th May

11am - 2pm  -  Clowning Technique

2.40pm - 6pm   - Clowning Practice (Optional)

23 Code Street, 132-140 Goswell Rd EC1V 7DY

Price: Pay what you feel (advanced booking essential)


Opening a space for FOC to delve into the wonders of the ridiculous using physical movement, games and characters to master the beauty, simplicity and inevitability of clowning. Lets explore high emotion and delve into the subconscious, to guide us into new levels of our creative wells. Lets get playful about the serious things and serious about the playful things and fully delve into all those lingering dreams we have always wanted to experience. Channel your inner Cardi B and fully indulge in all directions of yourself. 


In this one day workshop you will explore excersises to delve into the true wonders of what makes clown hilarious and captivating with the aim to create a 5-10 minute piece ready to present. With the option to showcase it in front of an audience at the FOC IT UP Scratch at the London Clown Festival on the 28th of May 2018 if you so desire. Lets clown and decolonise, lets de-clown-onise.


23 Code Street, 132-140 Goswell Rd EC1V 7DY

Price: Pay what you feel (advanced booking essential)

Week long Bunraku Puppetry Intensive with Flabbergast Theatre


Our Friends at Flabbergast Theatre will be running this puppetry workshop while London Clown Festival 2018 is on. Why not further expand your skills...


Join Flabbergast Theatre for an intensive week long Puppetry workshop, exploring the principals of Bunraku Puppetry and its application to Flabbergast's work.


Flabbergast Theatre has personally trained puppeteers that have gone on to be widely recognised in the industry working on War Horse, ITV, Les Enfants Terrible, and in many more touring and West End Theatre productions.


A week workshop

11th - 17th June (not 14th)

10am - 5pm 

St Peter in the Forest, Woodford New Rd, London E17 3PP


Early bird Price £150

General Admission £180

Daily sessions £40


Sign up for the full week or for daily sessions. 

Daily sessions sign up depends on experience - contact Flabbergast for info -

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